Potter Valley Project
The Potter Valley Project includes two dams (Scot Dam and Cape Horn Dam), a powerhouse, and water diversion facilities. The Project provides the mechanism by which water is diverted from the Eel River into the Russian River. But PG&E has decided to abandon the project, which means the facilities will be removed soon.
Water diversion from the Eel River into the Russian River has been occurring for nearly 120 years and has allowed the region to grow. Our homes, environment, fish and wildlife habitat, economy, and agricultural businesses rely upon this water. But the Potter Valley Project decommissioning puts our future in jeopardy.
IWPC is working with partners in the region to find a new solution for water supply management, which will require new infrastructure and a new approach to operations and funding. It is essential that IWPC and other regional interests find an equitable, affordable, and achievable plan for ensuring continued water supplies for both the Russian River and Eel River basins.