
Mendocino County Inland Water and Power Commission (IWPC)
IWPC is a joint powers authority representing the County of Mendocino, City of Ukiah, Redwood Valley County Water District, Potter Valley Irrigation District and the Mendocino County Russian River Flood Control and Water Conservation Improvement District.
County of Humboldt
The County of Humboldt, through the dedication and excellence of its employees, is committed to serve the needs and concerns of the community and enhance the quality of life.
Sonoma Water
Sonoma Water is a regional leader in water resources management. Sonoma Water strives to look forward, beyond today’s issues, to anticipate ways to advance its mission. Additionally, Sonoma Water continues to adapt its mission in response to changing opportunities, keeping Sonoma Water at the forefront of developments in the water industry.
California Trout
At California Trout, our goal is to restore vibrance and abundance to California’s freshwater ecosystems, and to keep them that way for years to come. With the help of many local and national organizations, we’ve worked to improve the habitats of several fish species throughout California.
Round Valley Indian Tribe
The Round Valley Indian Tribes owns and is responsible for four Public Water Systems (PWS) that serve the community of Round Valley. The Tribal Council currently acts as the Utility Board to establish, organize, and enforce ordinances, protocols, and regulations for maintaining a technical, managerial, and financial foundation for the Tribes Water Systems.
About the Two-Basin Partnership
On June 28, 2019, the Two-Basin Partnership submitted the Notice of Intent to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for a new license for the Potter Valley Project.
The Two-Basin Partnership propose to continue the Integrated Licensing Process after PG&E’s decision not to relicense. The Partnership propose to complete a feasibility study in April 2020, consult on the need for additional studies, and file a final license application by April 14, 2022.
The feasibility study will help determine how to:
- Maintain the Potter Valley Project diversion so it continues to provide the water supply that currently supports our quality of life and the economy of the Russian River watershed, and
- Continue to collaboratively manage our shared water resource to enhance the riverine ecology of both the Eel River and the Russian River.
Goals & Principles for Two-Basin Solution
Co-equal Goals
- Improve fish passage and habitat on the Eel River sufficient to support recovery of naturally reproducing, self-sustaining and harvestable native anadromous fish populations including migratory access upstream and downstream at current project dam locations
- Minimize or avoid adverse impacts to water supply reliability, fisheries, water quality and recreation in the Russian River and Eel River basins
Other Goals
- Respect tribal rights and their traditional connections to aquatic life, water and cultural resources in both basins
- Minimize and mitigate adverse impacts to Lake County, including Lake Pillsbury businesses and residents
- Ensure accountable governance and financially viable operations, including addressing potential liabilities
- Jointly pursue public funding based on environmental and water supply benefits
- Ensure that implementation of fish passage improvements in the Eel River basin happens in parallel and ideally simultaneously with water supply solutions in the Russian River basin
What is the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)?
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) regulates and permits hydro-electricity projects. PG&E’s current license expires in April 2022. They have decided not to renew the license. In order for someone else to take over the license they must file a new license application by April 2020 with FERC.
Within the FERC relicensing process, state and federal agencies have “conditioning authority” over the FERC project license. Those conditions can include flow release requirements, fish passage conditions, monitoring requirements, or other conditions.